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December 23, 2007


Kirsty Wiseman

Hi Em
You know, I collect Enid Blytons!! She wrote over 600 of which I have just over 300. I have some doubles if you want some spare paperbacks to read to Ivy. Although they are to be read with much caution becuase of her style of writing - its just not so street.
When she wrote about lashing of ginger beer and that every was merry and gay - kind of puts a kybosh on fun reading, right?
Merry christmas xx


Oh Enid Blyton yes yes I do remember, and I am a lot older than you darling Em - Please please will you keep up your tradition of art journal cards next year?? I only discovered them recently and would ADORE to do one every week
Have a beautiful Christmas Em, Mick Ivy and Yindi


Hi Em, I LOVE your card. Such a sweet story behind it. I am pretty sure who I'm going to do my card about I just have to find all of the goodies I will need for it.

I hope you, Mick & the girls have a Wonderful & Very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. I can't wait to see what you come up with for next year.

Anyway, I'm still behind, but I DID get 2 cards done so now I've only got 3 to do. So...here is the link to my Week 46 & 49 cards.


Hope you guys enjoy them. *WARNING* The Week 49 card has to do with my experience with Breast Cancer so there is slight nudity to it.

Take Care & Merry Christmas,


Just wanna wish you all a very Merry Christmas, my card has to wait till the end of the week!!
Or maybe.... in some free 10 minutes.... you never know!

Enjoy the days!
xx Marjolein


I had every Enid Blyton book as a child. Sadly they are all gone except for 5 now.
I love your card, robins' are gorgeous birds.
Mine is done & I wish you all a very Merry Christmas.


thanks em - love this card & your sweet words...*sniff*.....missing you heaps xxx


I'm so glad you'll be keeping the prompts up, with three little ones 3 years and under and I don't have a lot of time to do them, but I love the project.


Another Enid Blyton fan here! I lived and breathed her books as a kid and kept all my books and have started to fill in the gaps of the ones I had only borrowed from the school library!

I did my card last night - Christmas Eve - but will scan it tomorrow. It makes me sad, as it reminds me of my mother. We are estranged and she has moved on, so Christmas brings mixed feelings. But she and I share a love of red roses and they always make me think of her, so that is what I have recorded.

Christmas morning here - presents being investigated, breakfast digested before we head off to the Outlaws around the corner for lunch.

Merry Christmas Em and Family and to everyone reading this!

suzi finer

Happy Holidays to you!


Here is my card - http://justaboutscrapping.blogspot.com/



Merry Christmas. I love your latest prompts. So perfect for the season.
Here are my #50 and #51.


I've really enjoyed looking at everyone's cards this year. Unfortunately I haven't kept up with it myself, but I plan on starting the new year going back to Jan 2007 for the first prompt and start all over =)


I hope you have had a great Christmas with your family Em!!
Here's my card!

Angie Delarie

Im the same
I think of my mum everytime i see a red robin bird!!!
Probably cause my mums name is robyn!!!ha ha


Fab card Em, I love Enid Blyton books, have quite the collection from when I was little as well as some newer ones picked up for the boys.
Got my card done finally...



I finished my card and the ones I still had to do. I can't wait to finish the whole album next week!


I hope you had a nice holiday with your family and loved ones.


Took me some longer this week, but I'm done!! You can find it here: http://jeanettiemessen.blogspot.com


I've make my card to do. First i've to finish my moms tradition. What's the tradition you can read it on my blog. http://scrapanimal.blogspot.com


I have finally caught up again, my card is here on my blog
Happy New year everyone!!!


I just made this one today. http://onlysleepn.wordpress.com/2007/12/30/saturday-recap-an-another-card/ I counted up my cards and found I did 21 so far. Not too bad, especially since I didn't join until March!


I did it....my card!

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