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October 08, 2008



I am very sorry for your friends loss. I will bid $25.


So, so sorry for kimberly. We can't imagine. You are doing a wonderful thing for her Em.

My bid; $75


I can't bid, but I can pray. I'm so sorry.


The blogosphere is so full of caring people! I am sending much love down the line for Kimberly and her family!




i am so sorry for the loss of your friends husband. her family is in my thoughts and prayers.

she is very lucky to have such a kind, generous friend like you.

mccabe x

Mademoiselle Fini

I cannot bid... but pray. I am also alone with my almost 2 year old daughter. He is alive.. but doesn't care about his daughter.

so.. if she wants to talk.... I added my email address.

lots of love and prayers from germany.


a very sad story--many thoughts and prayers. you do beautiful work. $150


What a sad sad news, my thoughts are with all of you !! stay stong !! X Dani

Sherri P eh

$160. It's so nice of you to help in this way Emily.


OMG - you are amazing.
You really are.
I will bid $200 :)


My heart aches for her my bid $200


ps: that wasnt exactky silent cos now everyone knows my limit but its for charity and Elephants adorn my house in almost every room :)


Emily...thank you, thank you, thank you for doing this. You are wonderful.




What an amazing and loving gesture...thank you to everyone who is bidding and praying for this wonderful gal and her family.


you guys are amazing. we are so grateful!!!


I wish I had something to give, but I don't. What I will do is keep her and her family in my daily prayers. You are doing a wonderful thing here...


Emily, thank you so very much for your generosity in helping Kimberly. You are a beautiful person. Thank you everyone for bidding and your prayers.


Em, I am so very sorry to read of your friend's devastating loss. I think it's truly lovely what you are doing to help. I sure wish I could afford to bid but I can't though I might be able to afford the video tutorial instead if that helps. I will also add Kimberly and her two sons to my prayer list. (((Kimberly & sons)))

Lisa M. Pace

Thank you so much for your generosity in helping Kimberly and her two boys. She is a very special person with amazing friends that care a lot about her.




that is so sad, my prayers are with her and her children!


I do not want to bid on anything. Don't get me wrong it is all go gorgeous and very worth owning. Hoever I am happy to donate to this cause. If you let me know the details Emily I will get the money to you. We can't all be winners but we can all as individuals make a difference. I have always admired your individuality and your kind gentle soul.


thank you so much emily for helping kimberly and the boys. you are just wonderful!

Melissa Salomon

I am praying for Kimberly and her family.

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