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March 23, 2009



i'm grateful for friends.

I just spend the most wonderful day with my girlfriends at the train tracks, taking photos! We had so much fun and I'm so thankful for the time I'm able to spend with them.

Hebe Baker

I'm grateful for my husband. Not only has he unpacked the shopping - he's now washing the dinner pots! most of all though I'm grateful for his smile as he's talking to me - lights up my world.

tara pollard pakosta

my hubby who is making dinner right now. my daughter who helped make banana bread today with me after school. my other daughter who made me exercise an extra 35 minutes (on top of my 2 hours) with her>! and my sweet puppy dog who gives me his sweet unconditional love every day. i am so blessed!
oh and the homeade salsa i made yesterday is pretty awesome toO!


always the ugg boots !!!

Alison Gibbs

I am grateful for life...friendship and laughing with my husband Max.


I am grateful...

1)that the radiator in the bedroom works (the rest of our heating system doesn't!) because I still have this wretched virus and I need a warm bedroom!!!

2)for the internet, so that I can be in touch my little brother while he is in Mexico, and have contact with crafters all round the world.

3)for the daffodils now coming through :)

4)that my doctor is only round the corner- I need to go back and I can't go far!!!

5)that I don't have noisy neighbours like I used to.

6)a yummy cup of tea :)

Amy Tangerine

i likey your list a lot.
i'm grateful for cute puppers, sweet smiles from strangers, and good old friends from high school paying a nice visit!

Girl from Glen Forrest

i am grateful that my mum & dad are on the road to recovery and that they have special friends to look after them since i'm so far away :( i'm grateful for my wonderful husband and my two gorgeous boys, for good friends who spoilt us and took us to rottnest island on their boat and for being happy and healthy xxx


Love the simplicity of the tag! I'm grateful for my faith, my family and friends. Each day is a gift and I'm grateful for that too!


I'm grateful to be writing again after 3 years of creative drought. I'm grateful that I no longer feel guilty when I leave my children for little bits of time to feed my artistic spirit. I'm grateful I was finacially able to buy a lovely new FujiFilm camera to explore a new side of my creativity. And I'm grateful for the public library which offers up every medium and classes galore all for FREE!!!


I am grateful for the sun peeking through my windows, a few minutes of peace to slowly sip a hot cup of tea, the subtle urging of my muse to get my creative groove on, and most of all I am grateful for the fact there is endless possibility in this little life of mine.


I am grateful for my husband, my two boys, and my baby girl. Also the rest of my family and friends!


Got mine done. My answer is of a different sort but it was I was thinking.

I posted several pictures of it on my blog with the explanation of why I answered it the way I did.



Hi! While I am a total lurker to your blog...love it!, I am not doing the tag project...but, I just wanted to tell you that your grateful prompt for yesterday, made me immediately think of what I was grateful for right at that moment and I posted it to my Facebook!

Just wanted to say thank you for always being so inspiring!...one more thing I'm grateful for! :)



hey sweetie...
sending hugs and big love to all....
i'll miss y'all at artfest this year!!!


a light work load
sipping vanilla latte
getting new book from library at lunch
alone time this morning with my flowers
feeling filled up this morning

patti edmon

I'm grateful that the Vision Board class I've just started taking focuses on gratitude and is teaching me a whole new way of viewing and practicing it!
Love your blog

Dixie Lee

chocolate chip cookies
double-sided tape
ironed sheets
electric fans
flip flops

Kayla Grace

i am grateful for
the weekend
skype (good one dixie lee)


Today i am very grateful for my little dog is alive.
Yesterday, she was very very ill.
Thanks Dra. Rosa for saving Rebeca.

hanna mae

i just found out on thurs that i'm expecting. i'm extremely grateful for this and pray that this one grows properly and is delivered in 9 mo. (i just lost a baby at christmas time, so i'm a little apprehensive, scared, excited, etc)


well, i'm pretty grateful to have a super-fun year long project...and for your VERY cool examples to inspire me...and for finally having TIME to get back to making my cards for the questions!!!

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