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March 16, 2009


Sherri P eh

You're amazing Emily! With all you have to do, you still manage to post today's question! Thank you! This will be another fun one; I've got answers all running together in my head already! Now I'm going to tuck my kiddies in. I hope you can relax a bit, or a least tackle some of what you have to do, so you're not awake all night, worrying! (gave away my answer!)


well i can write a book on this one!


Love this tag - so simple so beautiful - I have a thing for moons!


My children HAHA!


finances.... and my parents health, situation


Hi emily, another moon fan here so loving your tag....love them all to be honest! this is a real thinker, not sure i have a tag big enough for this one :)


hi emily, another moon fan here so loving your tag.......love them all to be honest! this is a real thinker, not sure i have a tag big enough :)


so excited i posted twice!! lol. have a fab trip, and dont worry about pressing anything, itll be crumpled when you get there anyway :)


Cool tag Emily!


Ohhh thinking of answers for this is going to keep me awake LOL Love the tag - awesome!!! and good luck with all the packing etc for Italy!! Cant wait to see pics - take care and enjoy the gelato xox


Cute! I've finally caught up after 6 weeks, apart from the movies. Can't think of any, but then there's no surprise :)
Enjoy Italia.


Mmmm - of late my cat has her 'show and tell' session in the middle of the night.
Seeing I am petrified of mice, and wee creatures, it keeps me awake when she releases then into my bedroom.


Love the moon and stars....what keeps me awake at night...those depressing things I don't want to think about during the day :)

Shaun Paddock

I love the tag and everything you do. The video you posted has me at a loss for words. Simply amazing!!! What keeps me up at night? My MS legs. Pins, needles, electric shocks, and tremors. I have learned to sleep from 2am to 7am and then take a nap in the car while picking up my kids from school.
I hope you are having a groovy week!

Shaun Paddock

Okay, I hope you do not get my comment twice. I don't think it worked the first try. I love your tag and everything you do. You are truly my inspiration. The video you posted last week has left me speechless.
What keeps me up at night? My stupid MS legs which feel like pins and needles, electric shocks and tremors. I have learned to get by with a few hours of sleep. I take a nap while in my car waiting to pick up my kids from school.
I hope you are having a groovy week!


The proposed INDUSTRIAL development bordering my property is keeping me awake. It just sucks that they can do that!!


I am new to this, and having been so sad to have missed the "cards" last time, gonna be a late joiner. LOVE the manila tags. Tx to Gigi for the link ...


Love this one!!!

I posted pictures of my take and a long explanation on my blog. Check it out if you have time.



OOF! i've never been a great sleeper, even as a child...so i was spoilt for choice on this one! :) http://llaurenb.blogspot.com/2009/03/52q-11.html

i particularly love your take on this one...doodling the *negative* space...awesome...♥

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