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October 14, 2010



Oh Emily I absolutely LOVE your quilt!!! Thanks for sharing the step by step instructions at Today's Mama! I am not a quilter but would LOVE to be!!! I have a 2yr old baby girl and would love to have one for her this winter :) Maybe one day i'll get the nerve (and time *grin* ) to do one.


lovely em... simple and timeless...


great quilt--your pix are fine. What problems are you having with the camera?? Looks pretty good to me.


oh oh. i agree how the fall brings out the crafty in me..and as we all know, Christmas is coming, tra la tra la! :)

Love the quilted scarf idea. I may have to do that. I have been toying with a yoyo scarf idea. You know the little fabric circles you make? Doing two rows of them sewn together to make a scarf.

Thanks for the quilting inspiration.


More often than not I will tell you that I don't sew...however, my mom bought a short arm quilting machine a few months ago and since then I have made about 9 quilts. I have five more in the works and no time to do them...unless I stop cleaning my house, which is really a tempting idea, until my boys can't find something :) I will be getting fabrics for two of them today (I hope...)


love love love the quilt! I'm more of a patchworker than a quilter (that is I've neever quilted!) but oh how I love patchwork especially using my dad's old shirts or bits of favourite clothes. It's an addiction I'm warning you!


Em, love the little quilt. I have to admit that to me quilting seemed kinda naff. But then I made one and really enjoyed the process. I like using the fabric almost like paint and playing around with design. Since then I've made ah...9 quilts. One each for the kids' beds, 2 queen sized for my mum and step mum and two smaller ones, one for Rowan and one family tree one for the inlaws. GULP. Still don't really think of myself as a quilter, and all those quilts has put a terrible strain on my sewing machine and now SOMETIMES it will play and other times it is remarkably stubborn! I have another quilt in the works...king sized this time...it kinda stalled last year. I keep thinking that I'll wait until I get a new machine, but no idea when that will happen. Looking forward to seeing how the quilting bug bites you...


Oh oh OH, I love those scarves. It makes me want to tell my mom to give me my sewing machine back!!

Alas, she lives in Canada, and I'm in Connecticut, so I'm going to have to wait until February to get it back.



Hip scarf and beautiful quilt, Em!! Thanks so much for the easy-to-follow instructions for the quilt too. I've never made a quilt before but I always admire them when others make them. Who knows, I might just pluck up the courage to attempt one for my first grandchild due in December. :)


You quilt is amazing, I'm so in love with all the colors and the birdie fabric. Do you remember the name of it's designer/collection?

I've only made one quilt so far, but it was incredibly addicting and fun, and I've been dreaming about making another one ever since. Alas, my 4 month old takes all her naps in my tiny sewing room, so anything fabric related is put on hold for now. Ah, the sacrifices we make for the little ones... I do hope that this month I'll get to make a baby quilt with my favorite thrifted fabric find :)


gorgeous quilt and scarf, I love them! I havent got to quilting for quite a while but after seing these maybe I will


Hey Em. Just finished quilting a really gorgous ABC quilt for a girla t work whi is having her first babe at 41yrs old.....It was a teasm effort with 11 of us appliquing the letters & pictures to the blocks & then I put it together. Am really impressed with how it looks. I do luv the trendiness of yours though.xxx


Oh and I forgot to mention, we are starting a sewing/patchwork group up at the hospital as a result of the interest in the ABC quilt. Calling it the "Sewing Sisters"


love the scarf!!! and banjo and the quilt in the woods - brings back memories of crafting together...


Oh - I just finished making a quilt for my 1 1/2 year old this afternoon - my 3rd or 4th quilt top so far, but the first one I've actually machine quilted myself, and I think I might be hooked! Too bad I used a borrowed quilting sewing machine from my mom and have to return it before too long, because I have a lot of ideas running through my head right now, including something similar to the one you made - I love the look of big strips and chunks of fabric all mixed together!


I've all but abandoned the scrapbooker in me--the quilting is way too much fun to leave much room for anything else. Welcome to the dark-side, love. It's cozy over here.
And your stripes are fabulous. Nicely done.

Holly C.

Your scarf and quilt are gorgeous!

I really enjoy all your articles at Today's Mama. I wish they had the PDFs again-so I could print them out.

Michelle A.

What a great post Emily! I am excited to see what else you can come up with. Hope you are well and getting settled.


wonderful Em - you ARE a quilter, a quirky, funky one & am so proud of you :) xxxxxxxx


Great quilting projects! I have been a quilter, but I haven't used my sewing machine much these last couple of years... You really got me inspired! (Plus I was out looking for some clothes yesterday and almost fainted when I saw how much everything I wanted cost. I'd better dig into my stash of fabric to see if I have something to use.)


Beautiful! Do you have any resources or book recommendatio for a beginning quilter? I have my baby's clothings stashed for a quilt :)


This is such a gorgeous quilt! You are lucky to have a Mum that is a quilter, even if figuring it out for yourself worked better for you. My Mum is now working part time so maybe she'll drag out the sewing machine and take lessons - I'll cross my fingers, she's a better sewer than I am.

Rachel Mackin

Gorgeous quilt! Banjo is such a cutie! :)

Sherri P eh

Gorgeous quilt and gorgeous bub!


I love them both! I just started a patchwork and quilting class and I'm loving it, although it'll have to compete with all my other hobbies now : )

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