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February 22, 2011



they look sooooo good emily!!! love them! :)

jen xo

Hi Emily, they look so cool and what a great idea to have an upcyle busisness....

Did you know your font is supersized, at aleast i dont think its my computer...:)?
Ivy is getting so tall and grown up...


Beautiful :)


They look awesome! Great idea! I need to learn how to sew. I am waiting for you to post repurposed women's clothing....preferably in a size 4....xoxox :) :)

Karen Greenfield

I think your ideas are truly grand but I really don't like the supersized type..would it be too deflating to ask for it to be scaled down?? Also, I think it would help buyers-of-your-creations to know how old Ivy is and how tall..."Ivy size" doesn't mean much when we don't know her.


Great dream...I think it is fast not becoming a dream but reality...they are just lovely.


Love, love, love (and what's all this talk about super-sized type? I don't see anything out of the ordinary....)

Give that Ivy a big smooch from us!


Holly C.

Oh, Emily-these are wonderful! You are a true upcycled clothes artist. Love these creations of yours.

By the way-for some reason, for the last 2 days the font on your blog as seen on my computer is HUGE! It's fine in Google reader. Anybody else having this problem???


I would love to join your in your business. Wanna set it up in Balingup????? :)


The font is crazy, it's about 72pt - I tried changing settings, which didn't do anything. It's oo hard to read and I love your blog!


These are beautiful creations Emily, you are so talented! That's a great dream you have, I think you should go for it! x


what a natural model Ivy makes...these are just gorgeous Em !! Love them to bits.
Re the large font - on my work computer it was huge, on my laptop at home its normal !


Hope your kids are on the mend now. The clothes you've made look amazing, I really love the rainbow pocket. :)

Sarah M

these are all so unique and beautiful!! Great Job Mamma!
Sarah M

katie squires

love them! The details are so cute and the colors!


I love the first cardigan and the leg warmers best. The font size is normal here! Keep up the great work!

amy tangerine


Liz eaton

Love love love. I want some in my size.


These a so flipin' awesome! I will have to get that big bag of felted sweaters fo you...I'll bring them up next time I come up...early March.


I wanna dress like Ivy........


Font size normal.
The people with the problem may have enlarged the fonts on their computers?

That last vest/jumper is RADICAL TIMES A MILLION.

Erika Martin

The font is good for me here, too. :)

How I would love to spend a day creating with you. :) A woman from Freecycle just gave me a huge bag of woolies that I'm planning on upcycling. :)

Amanda C.

Ahh! I *love* that last sweater with the orange pocket. I want one just like that, please :)


I love these clothes! And so does me daughter! She's four and has just declared Ivy to be "bwooteefull" though she said it was actually her smile she liked best. ;) you are inspiring me to have a go at repurposing now :) x


Ach! Those clothes are adorable!!! I love to sew but for some reason I'm horrible at doing things like this, I need to print out your pictures for inspiration and take them to the thrift store with me. So cute!

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