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June 27, 2011


Boho mom

I am laughing so hard at Banjo feeding the doll! Adorable!
Thank you for posting this...I am showing my 15 year old trying-not-to-conform daughter that children do NOT need corporate logo "toys" or electronics to have fun.
I love the way you are raising your kids, so natural, so real, so much time spent outdoors in nature. I heart your blog.

ingrid {mypeacetree}

oh, this is like seeing my childhood all over again! as a waldorf graduate, i will always hold a special place in my heart for wooden bowls, grass soup, and handmade dolls. :)


So sweet ! , so nice that it's better weather right !, pity my kids grow up now, real teenagers, sometimes I miss the times that they were little and played as your sweeties ! Have a wonderful summer Em ! Xx from a warm Holland pfff


My grandaughters are coming up tonite! And that is what they love to do too!!! They are 7,5 and 3!!! Sooo fun!


the kitchen is adorable and kids playing outside is perfection. the kitchen utensils are awesome ...especially the little kettle in banjo's hands. i can just imagine what is going through those little minds!


Looks like SO much fun! I am hoping my kids have lots of these natural play opportunities this summer!


I need to set up an outdoor play kitchen in my backyard. Miles is so drawn to them. I love yours; it looks like so much fun!


And such healthy food for their "baby" as well :-) Very cool.


That is just lovely.


these pics are ADORABLE and made me smile - two beautiful sweeties being so occupied together and having such simple fun - what could be better ?


Adorable! And they wouldn't be so good at it if they didn't see Mommy in action. More is caught than taught, for sure. :)

Erika Martin

So precious! When I was a young one, I used to cook like that outside. One of my favorite childhood memories.


So sweet! Love your littlest one feeding the doll.


So adorable! You have such a beautiful family. I love reading about all your adventures. I think it's so cool how in touch with nature your children are.


yes! outdoor kitchens are really the best aren't they?
even i prefer fryin up eggs and making coffee on a campstove!

Wendy Sice

Just gorgeous! xx


Just like my childhood. Love it!! Hope my kid will be the same way.


What an amazing outdoor play space for your little ones, I am lusting after it!!! So simple and so perfect for hours of pretending!!! Love these photos.


I've been thinking of how I would make Jonah an outdoor play kitchen, so I am SO GLAD to see Yindi and Banjo loving theirs! What sweethearts.

We are always feeding the toys around here too, and giving them medicine, and putting them to bed, and throwing them in the bath while the water's running and no one's guarding the bathroom door....I mean, giving them a wash. Yay for toddlers!



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