after coming back from squam, i never know what to write - and i never take enough photos or even begin to capture what a magical place it is. after the rush rush and organising to get myself there (and leave 4 people behind!) i drove feeling flustered and anxious...but of course, as soon as i got there and met smiley faces, pretty hangy things in the trees and the big big lake...everything felt better. and slower. i like slower. it was a gentle sweet week, with beautiful people.
my classes - why did i worry? - were so much fun, due to the amazing women who showed up to them. it was like one huge big playdate in a beautiful treehouse! i wanted to make the room pretty and yummy (with pillows and a rug incase anyone wanted to lay!) and it was a gorgeous space to fill with baskets of fun things for us to work with. the days went by quickly and these women cranked out some really cool things! we even put on a little fashion show on open mic night friday alone with cal's smock students - no photos as i was too proud getting my models on the runway (tim gunn moment), hopefully someone took was pretty awesome!
mostly it was just a much needed time to creative, be quiet, be slow, be nurtured, be away, be amongst friends, be happy :)
i love... love... loved spending time with you there!!! xoxo
Posted by: mindy | September 22, 2013 at 01:05 PM
Your stuff always looks so effortless and magical. Did you cut off your dreads?! Do tell/show!!
Posted by: Jen | September 22, 2013 at 04:36 PM
Would you consider creating a tutorial for how you make your lovely skirts? I would buy it!
Posted by: Lisa | September 23, 2013 at 01:10 AM
One day, I hope to go to this magical retreat. :)
Are your dreads combed out???
Posted by: Erika Martin | September 26, 2013 at 09:16 AM
Beautiful photos! It looks so warm and glowy. I hope to make it someday.
Posted by: Amanda | November 05, 2013 at 04:29 PM